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Meilleur casino en ligne en France

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Understanding Bond Prices and Yields

how to price a bond

This is because receiving a fixed interest rate, of say 5% is not very attractive if prevailing interest rates are 6%, and become even less desirable if rates can earn 7%. In order for that bond paying 5% to become equivalent to a new bond paying 7%, it must trade at a discounted price. Likewise, if interest rates drop to 4% or 3%, that 5% coupon becomes quite attractive and so that bond will trade at a premium to newly-issued bonds that offer a lower coupon. You can see how it changes over time in the bond price chart in our calculator.

Considering Bond Prices (Discount vs. Premium)

Like a stock, the value of a bond determines whether it is a suitable investment for a portfolio and hence, is an integral step in bond investing. Then, macroeconomic conditions in the world worsen, and the Federal Reserve begins lower the federal funds rate. By extension, many other rates begin to drop, and the prevailing rate of interest in the market now is only 2%. Since their issuance, their price has either increased (see the five-year bond) or decreased (see the two-year, 10-year, or 30-year bond). You’ll also note each bond’s coupon rate no longer matches the current yield.

How Are Convertible Bonds Valued?

The bond will have coupon (interest) payment dates of June 30 and December 31 for each of the following five years. Because the bond was issued on January 1, 2020, the year 2020 is the first full year of the bond, followed by the years 2021, 2022, 2023, cash flow problems and 2024, with the bond maturing in December of the latter year. In addition, high yields are directionally related to the risk of the bond. You may be able to secure a very high yield for a junk bond, but this doesn’t mean it’s a good investment.

Using the Bond Price Calculator

You would have a series of 30 cash flows—one each year of $30—and then one cash flow, 30 years from now, of $1,000. After calculating cash flow, discount the expected cash flow to the present. Bond terms to maturity can range from as little as one year to more than 10 years.

how to price a bond

That helps inform everything from stock selection to deciding when to refinance a mortgage. When interest rates are on the rise, bond prices generally fall. If you’re an investor looking to enter a bond investment via secondary markets, you’ll likely be able to buy a bond at a discount.

Present value is the concept we hinted to above – the value of a stream of future payments discounted by the conditions in the market today. There are 2 other methods where each month counts as 30 days, regardless of the number of days in the month and each year is considered to have 360 days. So, under these methods, there is always 3 days between February 28 and March 1, because each month counts as 30 days, including February, even though February has either 28 or 29 days.

He is a CFA charterholder as well as holding FINRA Series 7, 55 & 63 licenses. He currently researches and teaches economic sociology and the social studies of finance at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. A bond’s dollar price represents a percentage of the bond’s principal balance, otherwise known as par value.

They are the credit quality of the bond, the term till bond maturity, and the current supply and demand for bonds. This allows an investor to determine what rate of return a bond needs to provide to be considered a worthwhile investment. Bond valuation is the process of determining the fair price, or value, of a bond.

In other words, a bond’s price is the sum of the present value of each cash flow. Each cash flow is present-valued using the same discount factor. Three factors primarily determine the price of a bond on the open market.

  1. We expect to offer our courses in additional languages in the future but, at this time, HBS Online can only be provided in English.
  2. For example, the on-the-run 10-year Treasury might be used as the pricing benchmark for a 10-year corporate bond issue.
  3. We will discuss some of these risks after the next section.
  4. Agencies frequently trade at a nominal yield spread to a specific Treasury, such as the on-the-run 10-year Treasury.

Microsoft Excel has several formulas for calculating bond prices and other securities paying interest, such as Treasuries or certificates of deposit (CDs), that include accrued interest, if any. You can compare prices by comparing listed prices by different brokers if you have more than 1 brokerage account. Brokers may not have the same bonds with the same CUSIP number, but they will have comparable bonds that should have the same yield, such as a 5- year corporate bond with an AAA rating. When bond prices are listed, the convention is to list them as a percentage of par value, regardless of what the face value of the bond is, with 100 being equal to par value. For example, if you buy a bond paying $1,200 each year and you pay $20,000 for it, its current yield is 6%.

A bond is simply a loan, after all, and the principal balance, or par value, is the loan amount. So, if a bond is quoted at $98.90 and you were to buy a $100,000 two-year Treasury bond, you would pay ~$98,900. Similarly, when interest rates decrease, and the YTM decrease, the bond price will increase.

While different bonds make their coupon payments at different frequencies, the payments are typically dispersed semi-annually. Looking at the Treasury bonds with maturities of two years or greater, you’ll notice the price is relatively similar around $100. That is, if a bond was purchased at issuance, it would often be purchased in fixed, “clean” increments like $100 and would receive only coupon rate payments. If you buy a bond at issuance, the bond price is the face value of the bond, and the yield will match the coupon rate of the bond. That is, if you buy a bond that pays 1% interest for three years, that’s exactly what you’ll get. When the bond matures, its face value will be returned to you.

What Is Liquidity Mining? Bake Assist Middle

Liquidity mining is a term that you might have heard lately however aren’t quite certain what it means. It remains to be comparatively new and undefined concept in the world of cryptocurrency. Anyone can become an LP by depositing equal values of two or more tokens into a pool. Uniswap simplifies the process by permitting single-token deposits, which then auto-generates the pair. FasterCapital will turn into the technical cofounder to help you build your MVP/prototype and provide full tech growth services.

What is liquidity mining and how does it work

Liquidity mining entails lending digital assets to a DEX pool, whereas crypto mining refers to the process of validating transactions and creating new blocks utilizing computational power. Bitcoin (BTC) is a popular network that uses mining; Uniswap is a popular dApp that permits liquidity mining crypto for liquidity mining. In common, liquidity mining is a by-product of yield farming, which is a derivative of staking. The primary goal of staking is to maintain the blockchain network secure; yield farming is to generate most yields, and liquidity mining is to supply liquidity to the DeFi protocols.

Defi Liquidity Mining Risks

Developers allocate a portion of their token provide to incentivize LPs, ensuring that there’s enough liquidity for users to trade. Over time, because the protocol positive aspects adoption, organic liquidity may replace the necessity for ongoing liquidity mining. In summary, liquidity mining is a dynamic process that mixes financial incentives, threat administration, and strategic decision-making.

It is a approach to earn passive earnings by providing liquidity to decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols. Yield farming has been round for a few years, nevertheless it gained popularity in 2020 when DeFi exploded in recognition. After depositing their belongings right into a liquidity pool, yield farmers can then start earning additional cryptocurrency by offering liquidity to the pool. This is completed through the use of their liquidity pool tokens to take part in varied DeFi activities, such as lending, borrowing, or trading. Yield Farming or YF is by far the preferred method of profiting from crypto belongings. The traders can earn a passive revenue by storing their crypto in a liquidity pool.

Alternative For Passive Income

They earn a portion of the buying and selling charges generated on the DEX as a outcome of they supply liquidity. Liquidity suppliers sometimes deposit an equal worth of two different tokens into a liquidity pool and, in trade, receive liquidity provider tokens representing their share of the pool. In cryptocurrency, DeFi liquidity mining is a passive revenue strategy that involves lending digital property like Ether (ETH) to decentralized exchanges to earn rewards. Staking typically presents lower returns in comparison with yield farming and liquidity mining. Yield farming provides greater returns than staking, as it includes shifting your cryptocurrencies between different liquidity swimming pools to search out one of the best ROI. Liquidity mining offers the very best returns, because it involves offering liquidity to a selected cryptocurrency to increase its liquidity.

From the perspective of decentralized exchanges or protocols, liquidity mining is a strategic mechanism to draw liquidity and bootstrap their platforms. By offering rewards, they incentivize users to deposit their assets, which in turn will increase the buying and selling volume and total liquidity. Liquidity mining, also called yield farming, has emerged as a popular means for crypto fanatics to earn passive earnings.

What is liquidity mining and how does it work

If that doesn’t happen, LPs are forced to withdraw liquidity and notice their IL. Since digital property are extraordinarily volatile, it’s virtually impossible to avoid IL. If an asset inside the LP of alternative loses or gains an excessive quantity of worth after being deposited, the user is vulnerable to not profiting and even dropping cash.

What Is Liquidity Mining?

The market may be highly unstable, and the protocols used may need vulnerabilities, leading to potential losses. Another significant good factor about liquidity mining is that it could lead to token price appreciation. By offering liquidity to a token, traders can increase the token’s liquidity, which can lead to increased demand and ultimately larger costs.

After DeFi grew to become mainstream in mid-2020, decentralized exchanges (DEXs) started gaining popularity. These are crypto exchanges that function in a decentralized ecosystem and usually are not controlled by a centralized entity. These platforms have been attempting to replace centralized exchanges (CEXs) for years. For traders with the next danger appetite, the dashboard may be filtered by Net APY. Nansen calculates impermanent loss and subtracts it from the pool’s offered APY, to indicate the precise return.

Let’s say you want to tap into a liquidity pool on Uniswap, which is the oldest and largest DEX. This shall be a multi-step course of involving several different cellular apps or web sites. Founded in 1993, The Motley Fool is a monetary providers company dedicated to making the world smarter, happier, and richer. However, whereas this may imply larger utility, it additionally means larger danger.

Blockchain For Enterprise

By providing liquidity to those protocols, yield farmers turn into a part of the neighborhood and can participate in governance and decision-making. This can create a way of possession and belonging and further promote the decentralization of finance. On your journey through the DeFi metaverse, you are more likely to come across terms like staking, yield farming, and liquidity mining.

  • It’s onerous to pinpoint one specific reason for the decline in UNI’s worth, as the worth of a cryptocurrency is influenced by many components.
  • In other words, liquidity mining is a method for customers to earn passive income by contributing to the liquidity pool of a DEX.
  • It’s a query that’s been on plenty of people’s minds recently, as the recognition of DeFi protocols has exploded and more and more individuals want to become involved in liquidity mining.
  • Bugs in the DEX system’s sensible contracts could additionally undermine or erase your gains, and important value adjustments in one or both of the crypto pairing’s elements could also hurt your returns.
  • Yes, it is potential to earn cash with liquidity mining by providing liquidity to DEXs or liquidity swimming pools in exchange for rewards in the form of native tokens.
  • However, the rewards earned from liquidity mining can offset the impermanent loss and doubtlessly generate income.

In LP swimming pools, funds are gathered from particular person contributors known as liquidity providers, or LPs, in a decentralized method. Liquidity mining additionally offers a possibility for merchants to earn passive revenue without actively trading. Once a trader has offered liquidity to an change, they will earn rewards based mostly on the amount of trades on that change, without having to watch market conditions or execute trades actively. This allows merchants to earn revenue even when the market isn’t performing well or when they’re unable to actively trade. Suppose there is a DeFi protocol that enables customers to trade between two tokens, Token A and Token B. To allow trading, the protocol requires liquidity in the type of both tokens. LPs can provide liquidity by depositing equal quantities of Token A and Token B into the liquidity pool.

Therefore, lending four ETH implies that we even have to offer 10,000 USDT (valued at $1 per token). Coin base DeFi Liquidity Mining implies that a dealer can purchase and promote property rapidly with out affecting their prices. Considering how liquid an asset is can be decided by how many consumers and sellers there are or by how much money and crypto are being exchanged between consumers and sellers. DeFiChain is a decentralized, open-source blockchain platform launched by DeFiChain Foundation to enable DeFi companies, corresponding to borrowing, lending and other investment merchandise. The objective is to make DeFi services seamlessly accessible to everybody inside the Bitcoin ecosystem.

These platforms support Ethereum and Ether-related tokens on the ERC-20 standard. Balancer additionally offers a liquidity mining program that rewards liquidity providers with BAL governance tokens. This program was launched in March 2020 and has proven to be a preferred function amongst users.

What is liquidity mining and how does it work

There was no choice in between and as such, the community was limited to both studying tips on how to day trade or studying tips on how to keep happy with HODL profits. AI improves DeFi mining returns by providing advanced information evaluation, trend prediction, and automatic decision-making. Liquidity mining is a passive revenue strategy by which cryptocurrency holders successfully lend their assets to a decentralized trade (DEX) in return for rewards that come from trading charges. Newer, less established decentralized trading protocols typically pay greater liquidity mining rewards than their more established counterparts. However, they’re typically run by anonymous groups and don’t all the time have audited good contracts, opening up the risk of rug pulls or smart contract hacks.

What is liquidity mining and how does it work

From the perspective of customers, liquidity mining presents a possibility to earn passive earnings by contributing their assets to the liquidity pool. By doing so, they allow easy trading and scale back slippage for other individuals. Additionally, users can benefit from the potential appreciation of the tokens they receive as rewards. Liquidity mining is a basic side of DeFi platforms, enabling customers to earn rewards while contributing to the liquidity and overall functionality of the ecosystem. By understanding the mechanisms and risks involved, users can make informed decisions and actively take part in liquidity mining to maximize their returns. The Automated Market Maker model allowed decentralized exchanges to thrive with a number of the largest providing liquidity depth that rivals even centralized exchanges.

To put it merely, it’s a time period used for getting rewards in exchange for providing liquidity. This changed across the time when DeFi emerged due to a new methodology of securing liquidity — Automated Market Makers (AMMs). Automated Market Makers are exchanges that don’t use order books to match patrons with sellers and secure a token exchange. Potential rug pulls are a risk that comes with the decentralized nature of liquidity mining. It’s a sort of fraud that occurs when liquidity pool builders and protocol builders shut down the protocol and take away all the cash invested in the project.

5 Steps Of Legacy System Modernization Full Information

First, we reviewed the prevailing code for the iOS app and located some points to enhance. We refactored the existing structure and app logic to make the app work with no bugs and delays. As a end result, iOS and Android app customers acquired a significantly better person experience. To create a modern front finish on a desktop utility, we used a customized method.

Legacy Application Modernization

The ten oldest federal government legacy systems that require legacy application modernization price about $337 million annually to operate and keep. Another method is overlaying a legacy system with modern Legacy Application Modernization expertise, for example, Docker or REST. While leaving the code in its current environment, encapsulation links it to the new presentation and accesses layers via an API.

Steps to modernize legacy software range by project, and solutions range from replacement with an existing SaaS product to rebuilding apps from scratch. Compared to traditional monolithic software, modern apps are lightweight, with internet development and cloud providers at the heart of today’s software program ecosystem. Whatever has changed, a tool that when helped your business grow is starting to maintain it back instead. This method to legacy system modernization is about redesigning the system’s structure to address limitations and align it with trendy rules and practices. It might require important changes to the system’s construction and parts.

Tips On How To Modernize Legacy Methods: Steps And Approaches

Application migration to the cloud is the method of transferring a software application from an on-premises server to a distant cloud provider’s surroundings to improve the availability and scalability of the applying. In the cloud, you’ll have the ability to store and course of information, run functions, and do plenty of other things without shopping for and supporting your own infrastructure. Once you’ve a listing, you can start plotting all of these applications in opposition to an x and y axis of ease/difficulty and potential increased worth if modernized. You might also think of “potential” worth as how critical the application is to buyer expertise and to your organization’s future. It’s the vital thing to the scaling, price management, and options you need out of your software to remain competitive.

Legacy Application Modernization

It changes the code structure (restructure) to take away some of the technical debt that leads to legacy software program points, corresponding to outdated libraries, frameworks, code, or incomplete or inefficient options. Legacy methods in life and P&C are built on outdated architectures with high maintenance costs, inherent inflexibility, redundant features, lack of connectivity, and low efficiency. Complex application and process logic is usually hard-coded and undocumented. Create a comprehensive roadmap that outlines how a company intends to modernize its purposes and keep current moving into the future.

Microservices structure involves breaking down a monolithic utility into smaller, independent providers that communicate with each other through APIs. This strategy allows legacy app modernization by remodeling the applying into a group of modular services. Each microservice may be developed, deployed, and scaled independently, selling agility and adaptability. Microservices enable organizations to update and improve particular parts with out disrupting the whole system which makes it simpler and sooner to replace. This mentioned, re-platforming, refactoring, and architecting are the most typical approaches to legacy application modernization – the correct mix of ease and return.


Whatfix overlays on all SaaS platforms, from CRM, CPQ, CLM, ERP, HCM software program, and more, allowing non-technical team members to create in-app guidance and self-help assist with its no-code editor. It was a extremely difficult task because the product was not only a net utility, but basically a modernized working system. We had to register all of the hardware in AWS IoT, where the constant trade of data between the hardware part of the project and the server half occurred through the MQTT protocol. Also, monitoring of the Internet connection was added to receive a message instantly if the gadget misplaced connection or one thing happened to it. Another step was including error handling to queries for easier resolution of application errors.

As a end result, the system is extra steady and the code is less complicated to maintain. Also, the frontend now can receive the precise standing of the request and inform the person. The low quality of the code triggered problems in the operation of the system and server failures. Minimal duties could take a very lengthy time to complete as a end result of the project contained many solutions that weren’t optimized by method of performance. Migration of a desktop app to the online is a means of moving applications from local computers to internet servers to supply users entry to the applications through a browser.

Legacy Application Modernization

Although the challenges of modernizing are significant, the right growth associate will allow you to navigate the dangers of the process and maximize your return on funding. Amid all the compelling reasons to modernize, it is necessary not to lose sight of the reality that legacy systems are still in use because they’re nonetheless important. Stay centered on your business objectives by breaking legacy system modernization steps into a three-phase cycle. Since the rise of cloud know-how, service-oriented andmicroservices architectures have grown repeatedly extra prominent.

When transitioning to a modernized legacy application, it’s critical to plan for the training and adoption of these new techniques by your customers. DAPs supply a variety of options, corresponding to guided onboarding tours, interactive step-by-step flows, and in-app assist, making the transition smoother for end-users. In some instances, changing the legacy system with a very new off-the-shelf answer or custom-built software program will be the most viable choice. This method presents an opportunity to redesign the system from scratch, implement whole new performance, and leverage modern applied sciences, architectures, and growth practices. This choice is often the most value and time-consuming because it requires cautious planning, information migration, and comprehensive testing to make sure a smooth transition.

Key Technologies For Software Modernization

This information explores legacy software modernization, why it issues, and the way it can benefit your small business. It will also guide you thru numerous challenges whereas modernizing your apps to microservices and other trendy architectures. The course of will involve thorough application rationalization and a well-structured utility modernization roadmap for a successful digital transformation.

By modernizing an application to extra of a microservices architecture, components are smaller, loosely coupled, and can be deployed and scaled independently of every other. While bringing its own set of challenges, this method is the place a lot of the core worth in modernization could be discovered. Strategic software modernization is one key to transformational success that can enhance annual income and lower upkeep and operating costs. When an utility’s authentic structure is essentially incompatible with trendy infrastructure and platforms, builders can renovate the design at foundation-level. Usually this means adapting an app with monolithic structure into one with service-oriented or microservices structure, including updating APIs.

The Business Steps Of Legacy System Modernization

The Retain/Encapsulate method in legacy system modernization entails preserving the prevailing application whereas encapsulating it within a modernized layer. It aims to isolate the legacy system from the the rest of the architecture, allowing it to continue functioning without hindering the adoption of recent technologies or business processes. APIs modernize legacy techniques by permitting IT teams to summary core information and providers from the underlying system complexity. It reduces skill gaps and permits non-experts to effectively consume knowledge in legacy purposes and companies.

  • It can be utilized to boost the performance of a legacy project and increase its scalability.
  • The world now generates extra than2.5 quintillion bytes of information every single day, driving a sea change in database expertise, security, and infrastructure.
  • This blog submit was co-authored with Riaz Merchant, President and CEO at Mertech.
  • A low-risk technique that retains or reuses parts of the legacy utility within a new structure.
  • The code very often referred to as strategies that didn’t exist, but they were executed based on some common logic (for instance, a set of logic on _getattr_).

This made it possible to enhance the structure of the project and reduce its vulnerability. The task was to prepare the database more effectively and improve its performance. In re-platforming, builders optimize apps for the brand new platform as a part of the move. This “raise, tinker, and shift” technique provides a middle floor between rehosting and more intensive transformations.

Tips On How To Modernize Your Legacy Application The Proper Way?

At the request of the shopper, the UX/UI design of the platform was up to date in accordance with the branding. The primary problem was to create an interface that might assist customers simply choose specialists and handle their queries. Dashboards have been redesigned to provide clarity and simplicity for busy professionals to organize advanced details about their companies. Migrating desktop purposes to the online is a vital step in business development that helps to extend employee performance and improve enterprise mobility. Learn the way to speed up your app modernization, improve developer productivity, and improve operational efficiency and standardization. Score early modernization wins by identifying the apps on the core of your small business and modernizing their key dependencies.

The commonest pattern of utility modernization entails refactoring and breaking down a monolithic utility into a set of small, loosely coupled microservices. Because all of an application’s elements ship together, it’s tough and costly to add features given the overhead of complexity and integration challenges. The query of the means to modernize legacy software program has as many solutions as there are methods, however basic approaches can be grouped by how complicated they’re to implement. All software program accrues technical over its lifetime, and it isn’t all the time a bad thing. But an extreme quantity of technical debt costs your business agility, as a end result of messy code slows developers down when it’s time to add functionality or implement a model new commonplace. However, on this strategy, it’s also important to understand what works nicely in legacy software program.

How to Calculate Net Sales NET Credit Sale Formula

how to compute net sales in accounting

You do not have to wait for the cash payment to recognise sales in your books of accounts. You need to use an accrual method of accounting while recording sales in your books of accounts. This is because the accrual method of accounting recognises revenue when it is earned and expenses when they are incurred. That is the accrual method of accounting matches revenues with expenses during specific accounting periods. As mentioned earlier, net sales are nothing but gross sales less sales returns, allowances, and discounts. This figure is important for various stakeholders such as investors and owners.

Sales discounts

The following table showcases the gross sales and other details like allowances and discounts of Schwarz Enterprises. The profit and loss statement of your business measures Net Sales and expenses during a specific accounting period. The Net Profit is the difference between your sources of revenue and expenses related to such revenue.

how to compute net sales in accounting

Why is Net Income Essential for Your Small Business?

Net Sales may not apply to every business or industry because of different components of its calculation. Remember that discounts are used to ensure quick payment by the customer. Sales allowances are the reductions in price for a product or service provided to customers. If manufacturing the chairs costs you $30 per piece, the gross profit for each chair will be $10, and the total will be $10,000.

What are net sales vs. net income?

This requires a company to make additional notations to account for the item as inventory. It provides you with useful information on the health of your business. In order to track net income for your business, you should be able to track both revenues and expenses properly. Let’s say the discrepancy between the gross and net sales numbers is very high. It can be a red flag for the business as it may not be reporting sales correctly, or the quality of revenue for the company is not good.

  1. Below, we dig into three ways net sales help business leaders spot areas of opportunity and make better decisions.
  2. Different businesses work on different discount terms with their customers.
  3. If a buyer complains that goods were damaged in transportation or the wrong goods were sent in an order, a seller may provide the buyer with a partial refund.
  4. Using this metric, companies can learn about market trends and customer preferences.

Your company’s net sales can help you determine whether your discount policies are benefiting you or not. Sales allowances happen if you sell a product with a defect to a customer. In this case, the customer will request a partial refund in exchange for keeping the defective product. Unlike sales returns, allowances mean the buyer gets to keep the product, not the seller. Net sales are also a crucial part of any company’s income statement. Some companies prefer to include both gross and net sales, while some include the latter only.

This is because gross margin indicates the part of each dollar of revenue that your business retains as gross profit. The Net Sales of your business are typically reported in the income statement. Your income statement showcases the total expenses of your business in the form of three different categories. These include direct expenses, indirect expenses, and capital expenses. Companies should report their net and gross sales in the income statement to be most transparent. This provides a clearer outlook for stakeholders than if only the net were reported.

Allowances are usually because of transporting problems, making the business review its storage methods or shipping tactics. Often returns are managed quickly without creating issues. Small businesses offering discounts may lower or increase their discount terms to become more competitive within their industry. In addition to this, businesses also use gross margin to understand the relationship between their productions costs and revenues. For instance, your business retains $0.20 for every dollar of revenue generated. Further, it also means that the amount retained can be used towards paying debts and other expenses.

But, before the customer pays the amount to you as a seller. Further, these goods must be returned within a few days immediately after they what is a tax levy are sold. Thus, your net sales are represented in the section of the income statement where all the direct expenses are indicated.

In just four steps, you’ll learn how to streamline your deal cycles and build healthier pipelines. Learn how to create an effective sales commission structure that motivates your team and boosts revenue with our step-by-step guide. On top of that, your net sales can show how you compare to your competitors. If your competitors have higher numbers than you, you should jump back into the competition by applying marketing strategies and enhancing your customer satisfaction. However, you’ll need to have sufficient justification to do so or your customers may take their business elsewhere.

Net sales help you understand the financial health of your small business. It is essential to understand and familiarize yourself with the formula so as to use it effectively to profit your small business. Net sales are the most accurate reflection of your small business’s well-being and efficiency. All businesses use the net sales formula to calculate the number of net sales every quarter or for a period of time.

Furthermore, each business may not have to necessarily represent Net Sales in its income statement. This is because the components to calculate Net Sales do not apply to every business or industry. First, take the gross sales, then subtract allowances, discounts, and returns. A business’s income statement should analyze its direct costs, indirect costs, and capital costs. Sales discounts are applied by business owners to boost their sales for a limited period of time.

فیلم سینمایی “ضریح چشمان تو”

فیلم سینمایی “ضریح چشمان تو”

به گزارش خبرنگار مهر، این فیلم داستان پدر شهیدی را بازگو می‌کند که برای بازگرداندن پیکر فرزندش به عمق جبهه‌ها می‌رود اما با دیدن شهدای دیگر از این کار منصرف می‌شود.

اسماعیل خلج، نیما نادری، علی یعقوب‌زاده و حمید تاج‌زاده بازیگران این فیلم هستند. با پایان تبدیل این فیلم به نسخه 35 میلیمتری برای اکران آن در سینماها برنامه‌ریزی می‌شود. “تو خورشید، من ماه” پیش از این “ضریح چشمان تو” نام داشت.

عوامل تولید “ضریح چشمان تو” عبارتند از نویسنده: م. زینال‌زاده ، مدیرفیلمبرداری: سیدجواد موسوی ، تدوینگر: مهدی نادری و حمید نجفی، مدیر تولید: جواد عابدینی، منشی صحنه: هنگامه فرازمند، آهنگساز: بهنام ابطحی، تهیه‌کننده: مرکز گسترش سینمای مستند و تجربی و م. زینال‌زاده.

محرم زینال‌زاده کارگردانی فیلم‌های سینمایی “مرد ناتمام”، “ساز و ستاره”، “حسرت دیدار” و “آی پارا” را در کارنامه دارد.

فیلم سینمایی “چسب زخم”

فیلم سینمایی “چسب زخم

فیلم سینمایی “چسب زخم” بازیگران : آشا محرابی، علی انصاریان، مریم آهنگر، حامد حسینی و …. نویسنده و کارگردان: کریم فرشاد مدیر فیلمبرداری : سید جواد موسوی دستیار یک و برنامه ریز: ناصر فرشاد مدیر صدابرداری: شهریار عادلی مدیر تولید: حامد حسینی جانشین تولید: حسین بیانی طراح گریم: سارا برزگر طراح صحنه: هادی آغشلویی منشی صحنه: مهرداد رنجی مدیر تدارکات: خلیل اسکندانی عکاس: امیر اشک خونى
امیر:خانم دکتر من عاشق شمام ،مگه نمیشه یه دیونه عاشق روانپزشکش بشه، حالا که شده،منم آدمم، منم دل دارم، منم نفس میکشم، منم حس دارم فیروزه ،،،پس میتونم عاشق باشم…»

فیلم تلویزیونی ˝همه مادران˝ به کارگردانی خسرو ملکان

فیلم تلویزیونی ˝همه مادران˝ به کارگردانی خسرو ملکان در لوکیشن خانه ˝فرشته˝ کلید خورد

به گزارش سرویس فرهنگی برنا به نقل از سیمافیلم علیرضا سالمی نیک ، مجری طرح این فیلم با اعلام این خبر افزود: “همه مادران” با قلم خوب محمد هادی کریمی ، قصه مادری را روایت می کند که به تنهایی مسئولیت تربیت فرزند خود را بر عهده دارد اما اطرافیان او را تشویق به ازدواج مجدد می کنند در این حین فرزندش متاثر از نگاه منفی مادربزرگ ، با این ازدواج مخالف است چون تصویری تیره از حضور ناپدری برایش ترسیم شده و…

وی افزود: برای این پروژه 20 جلسه تصویربرداری پیش بینی شده که عمده سکانس ها مربوط به خانه فرشته ، خانه نرگس و مغازه خرازی است.

سالمی نیک فهرست عوامل تولید این تله فیلم را به این شرح اعلام کرد: مدیر تصویربرداری: سید جواد موسوی ، دستیار کارگردان و برنامه ریز: تایماز سلیمانخانی ، مدیر تولید: مصطفی مسچی ، صدابردار: رضا کشاورز،مدیر تدارکات: صادق اصفهانی ، طراح صحنه: علیرضا پور سلطان، طراح لباس: مهناز نوروزی ، طراح چهره پردازی: شهناز ملازینعلی ، منشی صحنه: مریم انگوران اصغری،عکاس : بهروز الفتی . ناظر کیفی : داریوش منتظری ،

بازیگران: مریم کاویانی ، علی دهکردی ، یلدا قشقایی ، شهین تسلیمی ، علی رحیم زاده ، ملیسا قاضی.

محمدحسین قره تپه ای و علیرضا داوری این فیلم را در گروه علمی ، فرهنگی مرکز سیمافیلم تهیه می کنند.

فیلم داستانی «تا غروب» در یاسوج کلید خورد

فیلم داستانی “تا غروب

مدیرکل صدا و سیمای کهگیلویه و بویراحمد گفت : تصویربرداری فیلم داستانی “تا غروب ” به کارگردانی جواد علیزاده و تهیه‌کنندگی کامران پاکمنش دیروز در یاسوج آغاز شد.
حجت الله رحیم زاده در گفتگو با خبرنگار خبرگزاری دانشجویان ایران (ایسنا) ، منطقه – کهگیلویه و بویراحمد ، افزود : فیلم داستانی “تا غروب” نوشته مهدی رجبی روایتی 20 دقیقه‌ای دارد و برای حضور در جشنواره سیمای مراکز در قالب اجتماعی با محوریت نماز ساخته می‌شود. تصویربرداری این فیلم که طی مدت هفت روز انجام می‌شود، از دیروز در ترمینال یاسوج آغاز شده است.
وی افزود: داستان این فیلم که 9 شخصیت اصلی دارد با ریتمی تند در داخل یک اتوبوس طی سفری از یاسوج به شیراز اتفاق می‌افتد و دختر بچه‌ای 10 ساله با ایمان قوی و رفتار قابل قبول خود مسافران اتوبوس را تحت تاتیر قرار می‌دهد.
مدیرکل صدا و سیمای کهگیلویه و بویراحمد خاطرنشان کرد : رها نوروزی، قاسم امین بی طرف، الیاس شهبازی، عبدالله نوری ، آرش دشتی، زینب رحیمی و شوکت روشناس بازیگران این فیلم کوتاه هستند.
رحیم زاده اضافه کرد : عوامل “تا غروب ” عبارتند از مدیر تصویربرداری: سیدجواد موسوی، صدابردار: جوادمختاری، مدیر تولید: جواد عاقبت بین، طراح گریم: داریوش انصاری، طراح صحنه و لباس: احمد سعادت.


اولین فیلم بلند سینمایی در استان مازندران با نام”اینستاگرام

به گزارش روابط عمومی اداره فرهنگ وارشاد اسلامی قائم شهر،اولین فیلم بلند سینمایی در استان مازندران با نام”اینستاگرام”در قائم شهر در حال ساخته شدن است.
با همت شرکت سینمایی “بیطرف فیلم”و با همکاری اداره فرهنگ وارشاد اسلامی شهرستان قائم شهرفیلمبرداری فیلم سینمایی”اینستاگرام”به نویسندگی و کارگردانی و تهیه کنندگی مجتبی بیطرفان با موضوع اجتماعی از اول مرداد ماه آغاز شده است و تا 20شهریور ماه95به پایان می رسد.
داستان این فیلم حول محور ماجرای آشنایی سه جوان از سه کشور مختلف است که از طریق فضای مجازی همدیگر را در ایران و در یکی از جنگل های اطراف قائم شهر ملاقات می کنند و…
رضا رویگری،مهدی امینی خواه،بهزاد رحیم خانی،هما خاک پاش،آزاده ریاضی و مجتبی بیطرفان از هنرپیشه هایی هستند که دراین فیلم سینمایی ایفای نقش می کنند.
یحیی علی نژاد دستیار تهیه کننده،علیرضا قادری مدیر تولید،میثم یزدان پناه دستیار اول کارگردان،سید جواد موسوی مدیر تصویربرداری ،فاطمه بیطرفان طراح صحنه و لباس از دیگر عوامل اصلی این فیلم سینمایی هستند.
گفتنی است مهدی محمدی فرماندار و جمعی از مسئولین شهرستان قائم شهر با حضور در پشت صحنه ،از نزدیک در جریان فیلمبرداری این فیلم سینمایی هنرمندان شهرستان قرار گرفتند..